One step closer to my dream…

We Announced the $48.3M Federal Partnership at the White House!


It was incredibly special for me to speak at the White House on Wednesday about our funding from the federal government and what it will mean for patients like me.

While on stage, I couldn’t help but think back to 14 years ago when I was fighting for my life in the ICU. I never could have imagined that one day I would be able to turn those horrible moments into a mission with the potential to help millions of patients all over the world.

The Wall Street Journal Profiled Our Repurposing Work to Help Patients like Kaila

Amy Marcus of the Wall Street Journal profiled Every Cure, the drug repurposing landscape, and patients like Kaila whose life was saved thanks to repurposed drugs that we uncovered! Click here to read the full article.

We are building an AI platform that aims to identify treatments for millions of patients

Every Cure is scaling the approach I used to discover my own cure to unlock additional life-saving uses for every drug. We are using the federal funding to leverage novel AI techniques to analyze the world’s biomedical knowledge and identify 100 potential treatment opportunities in the next five years and advance 25 into further research, including clinical trials. Promising early leads include arginine for sickle cell disease, folinic acid for autism spectrum disorder, and bosutinib for ALS.

Read the full press release here.

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